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InstantConnect App 

  1. InstantConnect App R 15.00 Free 
  2. Key-Ring Personal Halo Device (24 Months) R 1777.77 Not Applicable
  3. E.R.P.C Halo of South Africa International R 77.77 R 37.77 
  4. Red-Lightning Private Mobile Network R 35.00 Not Applicable
  5. R 100 000 Halo Support R 20.00 R 10.00
    1. Emergency Medical Air-Ambulance
    2. Urgent Evacuation
    3. Search and Rescue 
    4. Red Code Family Transport  
  6. MyVault and Admin Set Up Fee R 100 Free 
  7. Deposit for Loan Agreement R 1777.77 Not Applicable

Our Nations Passion, Purpose, Prosperity!

Saving InstantConnect App R 360.00
Saving E.R.P.C Halo of South Africa International R 960.00

Saving Personal Halo and S7cret Beneficiary Insurance R 240.00

Saving MyVault and Admin Set Up Fee R 100.00


Total Cost: 24 Months R 47.77

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